
El Embajador Felipe Guillermo Alvarez de Toledo, con motivo del Día Nacional

H.E. Mr. Felipe Guillermo Alvarez de Toledo, Ambassador of Argentina to Romania: I am very confident that bilateral relations will continue to grow in the near future

• By Nineoclock,  May 25, 2017

Although the official relations between Argentina and Romania were raised to the level of an Embassy in 1964, 137 years has passed since the first official diplomatic ties were established on 1880.
This affinity is enriched through culture and significant opportunities were opened to explore mutual political cooperation and business promotion between both countries.
Nowadays, our two countries enjoy a promising partnership across a broad range of fields, and are committed to the task of strengthening and diversifying our bilateral ties.
The bilateral relationship can be described as very good, without the existence of conflicts of any nature. The traditional bonds of friendship and cooperation that have developed throughout history constitute a promising basis for exploiting the potential of linkage both in the political area and in the economic, commercial, cultural and technical fields.
In the last two years, the cooperation ties between Argentina and Romania have been increased by identifying sectors that are conducive to the implementation of specific projects.
On the bilateral level, Argentina and Rumania have a solid legal basis to promote commercial, economic, investments, science and technology, culture and education. Among the agreements in force between the two countries, I would like to highlight only some of them. For example, the ones in the field of mutual protection of investments, science and technology (signed in 2011 during the visit of Minister Lino Barañao to Bucharest), the one which modifies the economic and commercial agreement signed in the 90´s (revised in 2009 during the Joint Meeting of the Trade Commission in Bucharest), the one between the two Diplomatic Institutes (signed in 2011 in Bucharest). Today, there are almost ready for signature two agreements: one in the field of social security and other related to agriculture technology
Here we should not forget to mention that at the at the end this month will take place in Buenos Aires the 5th Joint Meeting of Political Consultations that will contribute in consolidating the political bilateral relations.
In the Annual Meeting that held with the Heads of Diplomatic Missions accredited to Bucharest, at the beginning of this year, President Iohannis also mentioned the importance of a more active Romanian diplomacy with Latin America, both politically and economically.
In that sense, we think that the EU-CELAC-El Salvador Summit, at the end of October 2017, it would be an excellent opportunity for both Presidents, Mr. Iohannis and Mr. Macri, to discuss bilateral issues.
I would also want to highlight the interest in consolidating the bilateral relationship as well as cooperating in the following sectors: agriculture, agricultural technology, energy (fossil, renewable, nuclear), aerospace industry, automotive industry and information technologies. The importance of consolidating bilateral legal aspects and increasing parliamentary relations is also a priority.
Relating to culture relations, we have to mention the importance of tango in Romania, growing day by day, represented by a beautiful tango community first created in Bucharest. Afterwards, the passion for this amazing Argentine dance spread to other Romanian cities like Timisoara, Sibiu, Brasov, Cluj, Constanta, etc. I am really happy to see that the members of the Argentine community, although not very large, are contributing to the progress and prosperity of both countries, as they act as a bridge between our two societies.
Speaking of cultural cooperation, it is also very interesting to remark the potential of the “Programa Sur” translation project for Argentine authors, through which many works of very well-known Argentine writers, such as Julio Cortázar, Jorge Luis Borges, etc., have been translated into Romanian and are highly appreciated.
Finally, I must say that I am very confident that the bilateral relations between Argentina and Romania will continue to grow and strengthen in the near future.



Post date: 26/05/2017